Monday, July 15, 2013


I must admit, I have a love-hate relationship with social media.  While Facebook and Twitter can be entertaining and a great way to connect with friends and colleagues, it can also be a huge source of distraction.  A five minute “check-in” can easily slip away into a half hour of wasted surfing. But once in a while, something wonderful pops up on your screen which makes that surfing time worthwhile.
Last week, a photo appeared on my Facebook “wall”, posted by a publisher I have worked for.  A group of boys from Uganda, proudly displayed books they were reading. One of the boys held a title I illustrated a few years ago.  The photo was taken by an organization I had not heard about before-Libraries of Love.  From the Libraries of Lovewebsite:

“Libraries of Love collects books, prepares them for
checkout with pockets and cards, and ships them to
Uganda. A team of volunteers then travels to Uganda,
where it takes an empty room in a school and builds
bookshelves, arranges thousands of books in library
order and teaches teachers and students how to use the
library. The partnership continues for a lifetime.”

There are several ways to help out this worthy organization. Along with donating funds, information about organizing book drives can be found on their website:

If you are searching for a new service project to do with your students, Scouts, clubs  or homeschoolers next  year, this would be a terrific opportunity to give the gift of reading to children in need.

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