Monday, December 9, 2013


It’s the time of year for snowmen and you might be singing about Frosty, laughing at Olaf in FROZEN, the fun new Disney movie, or building a snowman on your front lawn. Frosty and Olaf are memorable characters, who happen to be made out of snow. They also both face the possibility and challenge of melting.
One popular snowman writing craft encourages kids to make a melted snowman out of a paper bowl and construction paper and write about their own snowman to explain why it melted.
 Here’s another great way to use a snowman (or snowwoman) to develop explanatory writing skills, useful for science research and report skills.
Snowflake to Snowman: Step-by-step writing
1.      Photograph images of snow at home and at school. If there is no snow in your town, use winter pictures from magazines and newspapers.
2.      Find books on weather and arctic geography and read about the different kinds of snow. 
3.      Write down at least ten facts about snow.
4.      Write step-by-step instructions on how to build a snowman, including the snow facts. Number each step. Imagine these instructions are for someone from a desert region who is seeing snow for the very first time. Include every detail to build a snowman; from how to roll a snowball to placing a carrot for a nose, and how to make a snowman smile out of rocks. The more details shared for each step, the easier it will be for others to follow your instructions.
5.     Read the instructions aloud to see if you included all information needed to build a snowman.
6.      If there is snow on the ground at your school, bundle up, go outside, and have fun following one another’s step-by-step snowman building instructions.
7.   Finish this step-by-step writing task by building your own snowman with a big smile.

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